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About Us
About Us
Your partner for storage solutions.
Tanko innovates through continuously researching and developing projects based on the needs of our customers and uses the results to produce products that increase efficiency and profits for our customers. We can also join the planning stage of your workshop. Now, you can store more in just a few square feet of space.
With state of art automated manufacturing technology and worldwide distribution channel, we can deliver our products throughout the globe in time to meet customers’ need.
Tanko innovates through continuously researching and developing projects based on the needs of our customers and uses the results to produce products that increase efficiency and profits for our customers. We can also join the planning stage of your workshop. Now, you can store more in just a few square feet of space.
With state of art automated manufacturing technology and worldwide distribution channel, we can deliver our products throughout the globe in time to meet customers’ need.

5S Work Place Management
5S is workplace management where the work area and workplace are organised and ritualized to minimize the loss of time and the use of movement.
Its first adopted in Japan (Basically in Toyota Production System)
5S is much more than a place for everything and everything in its place’.
5S comprises five principles to make people highly efficient and effective in doing their work.
Its first adopted in Japan (Basically in Toyota Production System)
5S is much more than a place for everything and everything in its place’.
5S comprises five principles to make people highly efficient and effective in doing their work.